
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·noun That which serves to check, restrain, or hinder; restraint.

II. Control ·add. ·noun the mechanism controlling the rudders and ailerons.

III. Control ·noun A duplicate book, register, or account, kept to correct or check another account or register; a counter register.

IV. Control ·vt To check by a counter register or duplicate account; to prove by counter statements; to Confute.

V. Control ·add. ·noun The complete apparatus used to control a mechanism or machine in operation, as a flying machine in flight;.

VI. Control ·noun Power or authority to check or restrain; restraining or regulating influence; superintendence; government; as, children should be under parental control.

VII. Control ·vt To exercise restraining or governing influence over; to Check; to Counteract; to Restrain; to Regulate; to Govern; to Overpower.

VIII. Control ·add. ·noun Any of the physical factors determining the climate of any particular place, as latitude,distribution of land and water, altitude, exposure, prevailing winds, permanent high- or low-barometric-pressure areas, ocean currents, mountain barriers, soil, and vegetation.