
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·noun Abandonment by God; spiritual despondency.

II. Desertion ·noun The state of being forsaken; desolation; as, the king in his desertion.

III. Desertion ·noun The act of deserting or forsaking; abandonment of a service, a cause, a party, a friend, or any post of duty; the quitting of one's duties willfully and without right; ·esp., an absconding from military or naval service.

Related Words

  • desertion

    The act of quitting the Army or Navy without leave, with intention not to return. ...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • desertion-money

    The sum of three pounds paid to him who apprehends a deserter, which is charged against the offender...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • cowardice, and desertion of duty in fight

    Are criminal by law, even in the crew of a merchant-ship. Such poltroonery is very rare. ...

    The Sailor's Word-Book