
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vi To Bargain; to make terms.

II. Dispose ·noun Disposal; ordering; management; power or right of control.

III. Dispose ·noun Cast of mind; disposition; inclination; behavior; demeanor.

IV. Dispose ·vt To distribute and put in place; to Arrange; to set in order; as, to dispose the ships in the form of a crescent.

V. Dispose ·vt To Regulate; to Adjust; to Settle; to Determine.

VI. Dispose ·vt To deal out; to assign to a use; to bestow for an object or purpose; to Apply; to Employ; to dispose of.

VII. Dispose ·vt To exercise finally one's power of control over; to pass over into the control of some one else, as by selling; to Alienate; to part with; to Relinquish; to get rid of; as, to dispose of a house; to dispose of one's time.

VIII. Dispose ·vt To give a tendency or inclination to; to Adapt; to cause to turn; especially, to incline the mind of; to give a bent or propension to; to Incline; to make inclined;

— usually followed by to, sometimes by for before the indirect object.