
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·adj Of uncertain issue or event.

II. Doubtful ·adj Fearful; apprehensive; suspicious.

III. Doubtful ·adj Characterized by ambiguity; dubious; as, a doubtful expression; a doubtful phrase.

IV. Doubtful ·adj Admitting of doubt; not obvious, clear, or certain; questionable; not decided; not easy to be defined, classed, or named; as, a doubtful case, hue, claim, title, species, and the like.

V. Doubtful ·adj Not settled in opinion; undetermined; wavering; hesitating in belief; also used, metaphorically, of the body when its action is affected by such a state of mind; as, we are doubtful of a fact, or of the propriety of a measure.