
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·noun Emulation; rivalry.

II. Envy ·noun Malice; ill will; spite.

III. Envy ·noun Public odium; ill repute.

IV. Envy ·vt To Hate.

V. Envy ·vt To Emulate.

VI. Envy ·noun An object of envious notice or feeling.

VII. Envy ·vi To show malice or ill will; to Rail.

VIII. Envy ·vt To long after; to desire strongly; to Covet.

IX. Envy ·vt To do harm to; to Injure; to Disparage.

X. Envy ·vi To be filled with envious feelings; to regard anything with grudging and longing eyes;

— used especially with at.

XI. Envy ·vt To feel envy at or towards; to be envious of; to have a feeling of uneasiness or mortification in regard to (any one), arising from the sight of another's excellence or good fortune and a longing to possess it.

XII. Envy ·vt To feel envy on account of; to have a feeling of grief or repining, with a longing to possess (some excellence or good fortune of another, or an equal good fortune, ·etc.); to look with grudging upon; to Begrudge.

XIII. Envy ·noun Chagrin, mortification, discontent, or uneasiness at the sight of another's excellence or good fortune, accompanied with some degree of hatred and a desire to possess equal advantages; malicious grudging;

— usually followed by of; as, they did this in envy of Caesar.