
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vi To perform musically.

II. Execute ·vi To do one's work; to act one's part of purpose.

III. Execute ·vt Too put to death illegally; to Kill.

IV. Execute ·vt To infect capital punishment on; to put to death in conformity to a legal sentence; as, to execute a traitor.

V. Execute ·vt To perform, as a piece of music, either on an instrument or with the voice; as, to execute a difficult part brilliantly.

VI. Execute ·vt To give effect to; to do what is provided or required by; to perform the requirements or stimulations of; as, to execute a decree, judgment, writ, or process.

VII. Execute ·vt To complete, as a legal instrument; to perform what is required to give validity to, as by signing and perhaps sealing and delivering; as, to execute a deed, lease, mortgage, will, ·etc.

VIII. Execute ·vt To follow out or through to the end; to carry out into complete effect; to Complete; to Finish; to Effect; to Perform.