
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vt The mountings of a gun.

II. Furniture ·vt The masts and rigging of a ship.

III. Furniture ·vt Builders' hardware such as locks, door and window trimmings.

IV. Furniture ·vt A mixed or compound stop in an organ;

— sometimes called mixture.

V. Furniture ·vt That with which anything is furnished or supplied; supplies; outfit; equipment.

VI. Furniture ·vt The necessary appendages to anything, as to a machine, a carriage, a ship, ·etc.

VII. Furniture ·vt Articles used for convenience or decoration in a house or apartment, as tables, chairs, bedsteads, sofas, carpets, curtains, pictures, vases, ·etc.

VIII. Furniture ·vt Pieces of wood or metal of a lesser height than the type, placed around the pages or other matter in a form, and, with the quoins, serving to secure the form in its place in the chase.