
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vt To measure. ·see Gauge, ·vt.

II. Gage ·noun A measure or standard. ·see Gauge, ·noun.

III. Gage ·noun To bind by pledge, or security; to Engage.

IV. Gage ·noun To give or deposit as a pledge or security for some act; to wage or wager; to pawn or pledge.

V. Gage ·noun A glove, cap, or the like, cast on the ground as a challenge to combat, and to be taken up by the accepter of the challenge; a challenge; a defiance.

VI. Gage ·noun A pledge or pawn; something laid down or given as a security for the performance of some act by the person depositing it, and forfeited by nonperformance; security.

VII. Gage ·noun A variety of plum; as, the greengage; also, the blue gage, frost gage, golden gage, ·etc., having more or less likeness to the greengage. ·see Greengage.

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