
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·noun Departure.

II. Going ·noun Pregnancy; gestation; childbearing.

III. Going ·noun Course of life; behavior; doings; ways.

IV. Going ·p.pr. & ·vb.n. of Go.

V. Going ·noun The act of moving in any manner; traveling; as, the going is bad.

VI. Going ·add. ·p.pr. Of or pert. to a going business or concern; as, the going value of a company.

VII. Going ·add. ·p.pr. Carrying on its ordinary business; conducting business, or carried on, with an indefinite prospect of continuance;

— chiefly used in the phrases a going business, concern, ·etc.

VIII. Going ·add. ·p.pr. That goes; in existence; available for present use or enjoyment; current; obtainable; also, moving; working; in operation; departing; as, he is of the brightest men going; going prices or rate.