
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vi To become attached of fixed; to Adhere.

II. Grow ·vi To pass from one state to another; to result as an effect from a cause; to Become; as, to grow pale.

III. Grow ·vt To cause to grow; to Cultivate; to Produce; as, to grow a crop; to grow wheat, hops, or tobacco.

IV. Grow ·vi To spring up and come to matturity in a natural way; to be produced by vegetation; to Thrive; to Flourish; as, rice grows in warm countries.

V. Grow ·vi To increase in size by a natural and organic process; to increase in bulk by the gradual assimilation of new matter into the living organism;

— said of animals and vegetables and their organs.

VI. Grow ·vi To increase in any way; to become larger and stronger; to be augmented; to Advance; to Extend; to Wax; to Accrue.