·add. ·- Rays (chiefly cathode rays) developed by the electric discharge in Hittorf tubes.
·add. ·- A Crookes tube. II. Hittorf tube ·add. ·- A highly exhausted glass tube with metallic elec...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·add. ·- Rays of relatively low penetrating power emitted by radium and other radioactive substances...
·add. ·- Radiations first observed by the French physicist Henri Becquerel, in working with uranium ...
·add. ·- Penetrating rays readily deflected by a magnetic or electric field, emitted by radioactive ...
·add. ·- Very penetrating rays not appreciably deflected by a magnetic or electric field, emitted by...
·add. ·- Rays emanating from the outer surface of a plate composed of any material permeable by cath...
·add. ·noun ·pl ·Alt. of X-rays. ...
·add. ·noun ·pl The Rontgen rays; — so called by their discoverer because of their enigmatical char...