
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vt To twist or turn.

II. Hurl ·noun Tumult; riot; hurly-burly.

III. Hurl ·vi To hurl one's self; to go quickly.

IV. Hurl ·noun The act of hurling or throwing with violence; a cast; a fling.

V. Hurl ·vi To play the game of hurling. ·see Hurling.

VI. Hurl ·noun A table on which fiber is stirred and mixed by beating with a bowspring.

VII. Hurl ·vi To perform the act of hurling something; to throw something (at another).

VIII. Hurl ·vt To emit or utter with vehemence or impetuosity; as, to hurl charges or invective.

IX. Hurl ·vt To send whirling or whizzing through the air; to throw with violence; to drive with great force; as, to hurl a stone or lance.