
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·noun The act of impressing or making.

II. Impress ·noun Characteristic; mark of distinction; stamp.

III. Impress ·noun A device. ·see Impresa.

IV. Impress ·vi To be impressed; to Rest.

V. Impress ·noun To take by force for public service; as, to impress sailors or money.

VI. Impress ·vt To produce by pressure, as a mark, stamp, image, ·etc.; to imprint (a mark or figure upon something).

VII. Impress ·noun The act of impressing, or taking by force for the public service; compulsion to serve; also, that which is impressed.

VIII. Impress ·vt To press, stamp, or print something in or upon; to mark by pressure, or as by pressure; to imprint (that which bears the impression).

IX. Impress ·vt Fig.: To fix deeply in the mind; to present forcibly to the attention, ·etc.; to Imprint; to Inculcate.

X. Impress ·noun A mark made by pressure; an indentation; imprint; the image or figure of anything, formed by pressure or as if by pressure; result produced by pressure or influence.