
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·adj Without regular form; shapeless; ugly; deformed.

II. Inform ·vt To give intelligence or information; to Tell.

III. Inform ·vt To take form; to become visible or manifest; to Appear.

IV. Inform ·vt To communicate a knowledge of facts to,by way of accusation; to warn against anybody.

V. Inform ·vt To give form or share to; to give vital ororganizing power to; to give life to; to imbue and actuate with vitality; to Animate; to Mold; to Figure; to Fashion.

VI. Inform ·vt To communicate knowledge to; to make known to; to Acquaint; to Advise; to Instruct; to Tell; to Notify; to Enlighten;

— usually followed by of.