
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·p.a. Established; organized; founded.

II. Institute ·adj The act of instituting; institution.

III. Institute ·vt To Nominate; to Appoint.

IV. Institute ·noun The person to whom an estate is first given by destination or limitation.

V. Institute ·vt To invest with the spiritual charge of a benefice, or the care of souls.

VI. Institute ·adj That which is instituted, established, or fixed, as a law, habit, or custom.

VII. Institute ·vt To set up; to Establish; to Ordain; as, to institute laws, rules, ·etc.

VIII. Institute ·vt To ground or establish in principles and rudiments; to Educate; to Instruct.

IX. Institute ·vt To Begin; to Commence; to set on foot; as, to institute an inquiry; to institute a suit.

X. Institute ·vt To originate and establish; to Found; to Organize; as, to institute a court, or a society.

XI. Institute ·noun An institution; a society established for the promotion of learning, art, science, ·etc.; a college; as, the Institute of Technology; also, a building owned or occupied by such an institute; as, the Cooper Institute.

XII. Institute ·adj Hence: An elementary and necessary principle; a precept, maxim, or rule, recognized as established and authoritative; usually in the plural, a collection of such principles and precepts; ·esp., a comprehensive summary of legal principles and decisions; as, the Institutes of Justinian; Coke's Institutes of the Laws of England. ·cf. Digest, ·noun.

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