
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·noun An idler; a vagabond.

II. Kern ·noun A Churn.

III. Kern ·vi To harden, as corn in ripening.

IV. Kern ·add. ·noun The harvest-home.

V. Kern ·vt To form with a kern. ·see 2d Kern.

VI. Kern ·add. ·noun Kernel; corn; grain.

VII. Kern ·noun Any kind of boor or low-lived person.

VIII. Kern ·noun A hand mill. ·see Quern.

IX. Kern ·add. ·noun The last handful or sheaf reaped at the harvest.

X. Kern ·vi To take the form of kernels; to Granulate.

XI. Kern ·noun A part of the face of a type which projects beyond the body, or shank.

XII. Kern ·noun A light-armed foot soldier of the ancient militia of Ireland and Scotland;

— distinguished from gallowglass, and often used as a term of contempt.