
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·noun A wife;

— not now in approved usage.

II. Lady ·adj Belonging or becoming to a lady; ladylike.

III. Lady ·noun A woman having proprietary rights or authority; mistress;

— a feminine correlative of lord.

IV. Lady ·- The day of the annunciation of the Virgin Mary, March 25. ·see Annunciation.

V. Lady ·noun A woman of refined or gentle manners; a well-bred woman;

— the feminine correlative of gentleman.

VI. Lady ·noun A woman who looks after the domestic affairs of a family; a mistress; the female head of a household.

VII. Lady ·noun A woman to whom the particular homage of a knight was paid; a woman to whom one is devoted or bound; a sweetheart.

VIII. Lady ·noun The triturating apparatus in the stomach of a lobster;

— so called from a fancied resemblance to a seated female figure. It consists of calcareous plates.

IX. Lady ·noun A woman of social distinction or position. In England, a title prefixed to the name of any woman whose husband is not of lower rank than a baron, or whose father was a nobleman not lower than an earl. The wife of a baronet or knight has the title of Lady by courtesy, but not by right.