
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·noun A Flea.

II. Lop ·vt To let hang down; as, to lop the head.

III. Lop ·vi To hang downward; to be pendent; to lean to one side.

IV. Lop ·noun That which is lopped from anything, as branches from a tree.

V. Lop ·vt To cut partly off and bend down; as, to lop bushes in a hedge.

VI. Lop ·adj Hanging down; as, lop ears;

— used also in compound adjectives; as, lopeared; lopsided.

VII. Lop ·vt To cut off as the top or extreme part of anything; to sho/ — by cutting off the extremities; to cut off, or remove as superfluous parts; as, to lop a tree or its branches.