
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vt To leave in the lurch; to Cheat.

II. Lurch ·vt To Steal; to Rob.

III. Lurch ·vi To roll or sway suddenly to one side, as a ship or a drunken man.

IV. Lurch ·noun An old game played with dice and counters; a variety of the game of tables.

V. Lurch ·vi To withdraw to one side, or to a private place; to Lurk.

VI. Lurch ·vi To Dodge; to Shift; to play tricks.

VII. Lurch ·vi To swallow or eat greedily; to Devour; hence, to swallow up.

VIII. Lurch ·noun A double score in cribbage for the winner when his adversary has been left in the lurch.

IX. Lurch ·noun A sudden roll of a ship to one side, as in heavy weather; hence, a swaying or staggering movement to one side, as that by a drunken man. Fig.: A sudden and capricious inclination of the mind.