
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vt To make lustrous.

II. Lustre ·noun Renown; splendor; distinction; glory.

III. Lustre ·noun Brilliancy; splendor; brightness; glitter.

IV. Lustre ·noun ·same·as Luster.

V. Lustre ·noun A fabric of wool and cotton with a lustrous surface, — used for women's dresses.

VI. Lustre ·noun A substance which imparts luster to a surface, as plumbago and some of the glazes.

VII. Lustre ·noun A candlestick, chandelier, girandole, or the like, generally of an ornamental character.

VIII. Lustre ·noun The appearance of the surface of a mineral as affected by, or dependent upon, peculiarities of its reflecting qualities.

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