·v An agreement, compact, ·etc.
II. Match ·v A matrimonial union; a marriage.
III. Match ·v Equali...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
A wager of emulation by rowing, sailing, manœuvring, &c. (See quick match.)
♦ Slow match, used by ...
The Sailor's Word-Book
·noun A <<Petticoat>>.
II. Coat ·vt To cover with a coat or outer garment.
III. Coat ·noun A coat ...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
The tunic worn like the shirt next the skin (Lev. 16:4; Cant. 5:3; 2 Sam. 15:32; Ex. 28:4; 29:5). Th...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
A piece of tarred canvas nailed round above the partners, or that part where the mast or bowsprit en...
The Sailor's Word-Book
William Smith's Bible Dictionary
Bickford match
·add. ·- A fuse used in blasting, consisting of a long cylinder of explosive material inclosed in a ...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Consolation match
·add. ·- ·Alt. of Consolation race.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Match game
·add. ·- A game arranged as a test of superiority; also, one of a series of such games.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Match play
·add. ·- Play in which the score is reckoned by counting the holes won or lost by each side;
— dist...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·noun A coarse cloth.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Parlor match
·add. ·- A friction match that contains little or no sulphur.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Slugging match
·add. ·- A boxing match or prize fight marked rather by heavy hitting than skill.
II. Slugging matc...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
cat match
When a rook or cully is engaged amongst bad bowlers.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
See bean, Queensland
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
tight match
A close or even match, as of two persons wrestling or running together; and hence a difficulty. 'The...
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.
A sort of seal, distinct from the fur-seal.
The Sailor's Word-Book
Conical tubs about 18 inches in height, which have a sunken head perforated with holes, to admit the...
The Sailor's Word-Book
quick match
Used as a train to any charge to be fired rapidly, is made of cotton threads treated with a composit...
The Sailor's Word-Book
slow match
See match.
The Sailor's Word-Book
tub, match
A conical tub used to guard the slow match in action. They were formerly about five-gallon capacity,...
The Sailor's Word-Book
Dress coat
·- A coat with skirts behind only, as distinct from the frock coat, of which the skirts surround the...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Mackinaw coat
·add. ·- A short, heavy, double-breasted plaid coat, the design of which is large and striking.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Scratch coat
·- The first coat in plastering;
— called also scratchwork. ·see Pricking-up.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·adj Having or consisting of three coats;
— applied to plastering which consists of pricking-up, fl...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Tuxedo coat
·add. ·noun ·Alt. of <<Tuxedo>>.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
jouk coat
a great coat. N.
A glossary of provincial and local words used in England by Francis Grose
a great coat. York.
A glossary of provincial and local words used in England by Francis Grose
The peculiar nails with which the mast coats are fastened.
The Sailor's Word-Book
A conical canvas fitted over the wedges round the mast, to prevent water oozing down from the decks....
The Sailor's Word-Book
A light coat or defence of mail, concealed under the ordinary dress.
The Sailor's Word-Book
A piece of stout canvas nailed to the pump-partners where it enters the upper deck, and lashed to th...
The Sailor's Word-Book
A canvas coat affixed to the rudder, encasing the opening in the counter, to prevent the sea from ru...
The Sailor's Word-Book
match-box bean
another name for the ripehard seed of the Queensland Bean, Entadascandens, Benth., N.O. Legumino...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
Coat of mail
The rendering of a Hebrew word meaning "glittering" (1 Sam. 17:5, 38). The same word in the plural f...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Mail, Coat of
"a corselet of scales," a cuirass formed of pieces of metal overlapping each other, like fish-scales...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Blue Coat Buildings
See King Edward Street.
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
coat of mail
The chiton shell.
The Sailor's Word-Book