
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vt Fig.: To secure, or fix firmly.

II. Moor ·vi To cast anchor; to become fast.

III. Moor ·noun A game preserve consisting of moorland.

IV. Moor ·noun Any individual of the swarthy races of Africa or Asia which have adopted the Mohammedan religion.

V. Moor ·noun One of a mixed race inhabiting Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, and Tripoli, chiefly along the coast and in towns.

VI. Moor ·noun An extensive waste covered with patches of heath, and having a poor, light soil, but sometimes marshy, and abounding in peat; a heath.

VII. Moor ·vt To fix or secure, as a vessel, in a particular place by casting anchor, or by fastening with cables or chains; as, the vessel was moored in the stream; they moored the boat to the wharf.

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