
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·noun A chamber lamp or light.

II. Mortar ·vt To plaster or make fast with mortar.

III. Mortar ·noun A strong vessel, commonly in form of an inverted bell, in which substances are pounded or rubbed with a pestle.

IV. Mortar ·noun A short piece of ordnance, used for throwing bombs, carcasses, shells, ·etc., at high angles of elevation, as 45Á, and even higher;

— so named from its resemblance in shape to the utensil above described.

V. Mortar ·noun A building material made by mixing lime, cement, or plaster of Paris, with sand, water, and sometimes other materials;

— used in masonry for joining stones, bricks, ·etc., also for plastering, and in other ways.

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