
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·v ·see 1st Mot.

II. Mote ·- of Mot.

III. Mote ·- of Mot.

IV. Mote ·noun A place of meeting for discussion.

V. Mote (·pres. subject) of Mot.

VI. Mote ·noun The flourish sounded on a horn by a huntsman. ·see Mot, ·noun, 3, and Mort.

VII. Mote ·noun A meeting of persons for discussion; as, a wardmote in the city of London.

VIII. Mote ·noun A small particle, as of floating dust; anything proverbially small; a speck.

IX. Mote ·noun A body of persons who meet for discussion, ·esp. about the management of affairs; as, a folkmote.

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  • Mote

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