
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·noun Repugnance; contrariety of sentiment, interest, or purpose; antipathy.

II. Opposition ·noun The act of opposing; an attempt to check, restrain, or defeat; resistance.

III. Opposition ·noun The state of being placed over against; situation so as to front something else.

IV. Opposition ·noun That which opposes; an obstacle; specifically, the aggregate of persons or things opposing; hence, in politics and parliamentary practice, the party opposed to the party in power.

V. Opposition ·noun The relation between two propositions when, having the same subject and predicate, they differ in quantity, or in quality, or in both; or between two propositions which have the same matter but a different form.

VI. Opposition ·noun The situation of a heavenly body with respect to another when in the part of the heavens directly opposite to it; especially, the position of a planet or satellite when its longitude differs from that of the sun 180°;

— signified by the symbol /; as, / / /, opposition of Jupiter to the sun.