
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vt To add a parcel or item to; to Itemize.

II. Parcel ·noun A portion of anything taken separately; a fragment of a whole; a part.

III. Parcel ·vt To divide and distribute by parts or portions;

— often with out or into.

IV. Parcel ·noun A number or quantity of things put up together; a bundle; a package; a packet.

V. Parcel ·noun An indiscriminate or indefinite number, measure, or quantity; a collection; a group.

VI. Parcel ·noun A part; a portion; a piece; as, a certain piece of land is part and parcel of another piece.

VII. Parcel ·vt To make up into a parcel; as, to parcel a customer's purchases; the machine parcels yarn, wool, ·etc.

VIII. Parcel ·adj & ·adv Part or half; in part; partially. Shak. [Sometimes hyphened with the word following.].