
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·noun Plain; flat; level.

II. Plat ·adv Flatly; smoothly; evenly.

III. Plat ·adv Plainly; flatly; downright.

IV. Plat ·noun The flat or broad side of a sword.

V. Plat ·vt To lay out in plats or plots, as ground.

VI. Plat ·noun Work done by platting or braiding; a plait.

VII. Plat ·noun A plot; a plan; a design; a diagram; a map; a chart.

VIII. Plat ·vt To form by interlaying interweaving; to Braid; to Plait.

IX. Plat ·noun A small piece or plot of ground laid out with some design, or for a special use; usually, a portion of flat, even ground.