
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·adj To give a plumper. ·see Plumper, 2.

II. Plump (·adj & ·v) Directly; suddenly; perpendicularly.

III. Plump ·adj To drop or fall suddenly or heavily, all at once.

IV. Plump ·vt To give (a vote), as a plumper. ·see Plumper, 2.

V. Plump ·adj To grow plump; to swell out; as, her cheeks have plumped.

VI. Plump ·vt To make plump; to fill (out) or support;

— often with up.

VII. Plump ·adv Well rounded or filled out; full; fleshy; fat; as, a plump baby; plump cheeks.

VIII. Plump ·noun A knot; a cluster; a group; a crowd; a flock; as, a plump of trees, fowls, or spears.

IX. Plump ·vt To cast or let drop all at once, suddenly and heavily; as, to plump a stone into water.

X. Plump ·add. ·adj Done or made plump, or suddenly and without reservation; blunt; unreserved; direct; downright.