
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·noun The act or art of punctuating; punctuation.

II. Pointing ·noun The act of Sharpening.

III. Pointing ·p.pr. & ·vb.n. of Point.

IV. Pointing ·noun The rubbing off of the point of the wheat grain in the first process of high milling.

V. Pointing ·noun The act of designating, as a position or direction, by means of something pointed, as a finger or a rod.

VI. Pointing ·noun The act of filling and finishing the joints in masonry with mortar, cement, ·etc.; also, the material so used.

VII. Pointing ·noun The act or process of measuring, at the various distances from the surface of a block of marble, the surface of a future piece of statuary; also, a process used in cutting the statue from the artist's model.