
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vt To hold before one; to Extend.

II. Pretend ·vt To lay a claim to; to allege a title to; to Claim.

III. Pretend ·vt To hold before, or put forward, as a cloak or disguise for something else; to exhibit as a veil for something hidden.

IV. Pretend ·vi To put in, or make, a claim, truly or falsely; to allege a title; to lay claim to, or strive after, something;

— usually with to.

V. Pretend ·vt To Intend; to Design; to Plot; to Attempt.

VI. Pretend ·vi To hold out the appearance of being, possessing, or performing; to Profess; to make believe; to Feign; to Sham; as, to pretend to be asleep.

VII. Pretend ·vt To hold out, or represent, falsely; to put forward, or offer, as true or real (something untrue or unreal); to show hypocritically, or for the purpose of deceiving; to Simulate; to Feign; as, to pretend friendship.