
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vt To injure, as by beating; to Pommel.

II. Punish ·add. ·vt To deal with roughly or harshly;

— chiefly used with regard to a contest; as, our troops punished the enemy.

III. Punish ·vt To inflict a penalty for (an offense) upon the offender; to repay, as a fault, crime, ·etc., with pain or loss; as, to punish murder or treason with death.

IV. Punish ·vt To impose a penalty upon; to afflict with pain, loss, or suffering for a crime or fault, either with or without a view to the offender's amendment; to cause to suffer in retribution; to Chasten; as, to punish traitors with death; a father punishes his child for willful disobedience.