
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vi To be or become qualified; to be fit, as for an office or employment.

II. Qualify ·vt To Soothe; to Cure;

— said of persons.

III. Qualify ·vt To give individual quality to; to Modulate; to Vary; to Regulate.

IV. Qualify ·vi To obtain legal power or capacity by taking the oath, or complying with the forms required, on assuming an Office.

V. Qualify ·vt Hence, to soften; to Abate; to Diminish; to Assuage; to reduce the strength of, as liquors.

VI. Qualify ·vt To reduce from a general, undefined, or comprehensive form, to particular or restricted form; to Modify; to Limit; to Restrict; to Restrain; as, to qualify a statement, claim, or proposition.

VII. Qualify ·vt To make such as is required; to give added or requisite qualities to; to fit, as for a place, office, occupation, or character; to furnish with the knowledge, skill, or other accomplishment necessary for a purpose; to make capable, as of an employment or privilege; to supply with legal power or capacity.