
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vi To ask questions; to make inquiry.

II. Query ·vt To doubt of; to regard with incredulity.

III. Query ·vi To have a doubt; as, I query if he is right.

IV. Query ·noun A question; an inquiry to be answered or solved.

V. Query ·vt To address questions to; to examine by questions.

VI. Query ·noun An interrogation point [?] as the sign of a question or a doubt.

VII. Query ·noun A question in the mind; a doubt; as, I have a query about his sincerity.

VIII. Query ·vt To write " query" (qu., qy., or ?) against, as a doubtful spelling, or sense, in a proof. ·see Quaere.

IX. Query ·vt To put questions about; to elicit by questioning; to inquire into; as, to query the items or the amount; to query the motive or the fact.