
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vt To talk to; to converse with.

II. Question ·noun Talk; conversation; speech; speech.

III. Question ·noun To ask questions; to Inquire.

IV. Question ·noun That which is asked; inquiry; interrogatory; query.

V. Question ·vt To doubt of; to be uncertain of; to Query.

VI. Question ·vt To raise a question about; to call in question; to make objection to.

VII. Question ·noun The act of asking; interrogation; inquiry; as, to examine by question and answer.

VIII. Question ·vt To inquire of by asking questions; to examine by interrogatories; as, to question a witness.

IX. Question ·noun To Argue; to Converse; to Dispute.

X. Question ·noun Discussion; debate; hence, objection; dispute; doubt; as, the story is true beyond question; he obeyed without question.

XI. Question ·noun Hence, a subject of investigation, examination, or debate; theme of inquiry; matter to be inquired into; as, a delicate or doubtful question.

XII. Question ·noun Examination with reference to a decisive result; investigation; specifically, a judicial or official investigation; also, examination under torture.