
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·noun Good-humored raillery.

II. Rally ·noun A political mass meeting.

III. Rally ·vi To use pleasantry, or satirical merriment.

IV. Rally ·noun The act or process of rallying (in any of the senses of that word).

V. Rally ·vi To recover strength after a decline in prices;

— said of the market, stocks, ·etc.

VI. Rally ·vt To attack with raillery, either in good humor and pleasantry, or with slight contempt or satire.

VII. Rally ·vi To collect one's vital powers or forces; to regain health or consciousness; to Recuperate.

VIII. Rally ·vt To collect, and reduce to order, as troops dispersed or thrown into confusion; to gather again; to Reunite.

IX. Rally ·vi To come into orderly arrangement; to renew order, or united effort, as troops scattered or put to flight; to Assemble; to Unite.