
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vt To bat back (the ball) when served.

II. Receive ·vt To take from a thief, as goods known to be stolen.

III. Receive ·vi To return, or bat back, the ball when served; as, it is your turn to receive.

IV. Receive ·vt To allow, as a custom, tradition, or the like; to give credence or acceptance to.

V. Receive ·vi To receive visitors; to be at home to receive calls; as, she receives on Tuesdays.

VI. Receive ·vt To Admit; to take in; to Hold; to Contain; to have capacity for; to be able to take in.

VII. Receive ·vt To give admittance to; to permit to enter, as into one's house, presence, company, and the like; as, to receive a lodger, visitor, ambassador, messenger, ·etc.

VIII. Receive ·vt To be affected by something; to Suffer; to be subjected to; as, to receive pleasure or pain; to receive a wound or a blow; to receive damage.

IX. Receive ·vt Hence: To gain the knowledge of; to take into the mind by assent to; to give admission to; to accept, as an opinion, notion, ·etc.; to Embrace.

X. Receive ·vt To take, as something that is offered, given, committed, sent, paid, or the like; to Accept; as, to receive money offered in payment of a debt; to receive a gift, a message, or a letter.