
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vi To feel resentment.

II. Resent ·vt To be sensible of; to Feel.

III. Resent ·vt In a good sense, to take well; to receive with satisfaction.

IV. Resent ·vt To express or exhibit displeasure or indignation at, as by words or acts.

V. Resent ·vt In a bad sense, to take ill; to consider as an injury or affront; to be indignant at.

VI. Resent ·vi To give forth an odor; to Smell; to Savor.

VII. Resent ·vt To Recognize; to perceive, especially as if by smelling;

— associated in meaning with sent, the older spelling of scent to smell. ·see Resent, ·vi.