
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vi To awake from sleep or repose.

II. Rouse ·noun A bumper in honor of a toast or health.

III. Rouse ·noun A carousal; a festival; a drinking frolic.

IV. Rouse ·v To Raise; to make erect.

V. Rouse ·vi To get or start up; to Rise.

VI. Rouse ·v To put in motion; to stir up; to Agitate.

VII. Rouse ·v To wake from sleep or repose; as, to rouse one early or suddenly.

VIII. Rouse ·vi To be exited to thought or action from a state of indolence or inattention.

IX. Rouse ·v To cause to start from a covert or lurking place; as, to rouse a deer or other animal of the chase.

X. Rouse ·vi & ·vt To pull or haul strongly and all together, as upon a rope, without the assistance of mechanical appliances.

XI. Rouse ·v To excite to lively thought or action from a state of idleness, languor, stupidity, or indifference; as, to rouse the faculties, passions, or emotions.