
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

(·superl) Sated; satisfied; weary; tired.

II. Sad (·superl) Heavy; weighty; ponderous; close; hard.

III. Sad (·superl) Hence, bad; naughty; troublesome; wicked.

IV. Sad (·superl) Dull; grave; dark; somber;

— said of colors.

V. Sad ·vt To make sorrowful; to Sadden.

VI. Sad (·superl) Serious; grave; sober; steadfast; not light or frivolous.

VII. Sad (·superl) Afflictive; calamitous; causing sorrow; as, a sad accident; a sad misfortune.

VIII. Sad (·superl) Affected with grief or unhappiness; cast down with affliction; downcast; gloomy; mournful.