
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·noun To use the sense of taste.

II. Savor ·adj Pleasure; delight; attractiveness.

III. Savor ·noun To have a particular smell or taste;

— with of.

IV. Savor ·adj Sense of smell; power to scent, or trace by scent.

V. Savor ·vt To have the flavor or quality of; to indicate the presence of.

VI. Savor ·vt To perceive by the smell or the taste; hence, to perceive; to Note.

VII. Savor ·adj Hence, specific flavor or quality; characteristic property; distinctive temper, tinge, taint, and the like.

VIII. Savor ·noun To partake of the quality or nature; to indicate the presence or influence; to Smack;

— with of.

IX. Savor ·vt To taste or smell with pleasure; to delight in; to Relish; to Like; to Favor.

X. Savor ·adj That property of a thing which affects the organs of taste or smell; taste and odor; flavor; relish; scent; as, the savor of an orange or a rose; an ill savor.