
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·noun Hence, gloom; dark or threatening aspect.

II. Scowl ·vt To look at or repel with a scowl or a frown.

III. Scowl ·vt To express by a scowl; as, to scowl defiance.

IV. Scowl ·vi Hence, to look gloomy, dark, or threatening; to Lower.

V. Scowl ·vi To wrinkle the brows, as in frowning or displeasure; to put on a frowning look; to look sour, sullen, severe, or angry.

VI. Scowl ·noun The wrinkling of the brows or face in frowing; the expression of displeasure, sullenness, or discontent in the countenance; an angry frown.