
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vt To utter sententiously.

II. Sentence ·noun Sense; meaning; significance.

III. Sentence ·vt To decree or announce as a sentence.

IV. Sentence ·noun A short saying, usually containing moral instruction; a maxim; an axiom; a saw.

V. Sentence ·noun An opinion; a decision; a determination; a judgment, especially one of an unfavorable nature.

VI. Sentence ·noun A philosophical or theological opinion; a dogma; as, Summary of the Sentences; Book of the Sentences.

VII. Sentence ·vt To pass or pronounce judgment upon; to Doom; to condemn to punishment; to prescribe the punishment of.

VIII. Sentence ·noun A combination of words which is complete as expressing a thought, and in writing is marked at the close by a period, or full point. ·see Proposition, 4.

IX. Sentence ·noun In civil and admiralty law, the judgment of a court pronounced in a cause; in criminal and ecclesiastical courts, a judgment passed on a criminal by a court or judge; condemnation pronounced by a judgical tribunal; doom. In common law, the term is exclusively used to denote the judgment in criminal cases.