
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vt To obtrude by fraud or imposition.

II. Sham ·noun A false front, or removable ornamental covering.

III. Sham ·adj False; counterfeit; pretended; feigned; unreal; as, a sham fight.

IV. Sham ·vt To Trick; to Cheat; to deceive or delude with false pretenses.

V. Sham ·vi To make false pretenses; to Deceive; to Feign; to Impose.

VI. Sham ·noun That which deceives expectation; any trick, fraud, or device that deludes and disappoint; a make-believe; delusion; imposture, humbug.

VII. Sham ·vt To assume the manner and character of; to Imitate; to Ape; to Feign.