
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·noun The act or operation of reaping.

II. Shearing ·noun The process of preparing shear steel; tilting.

III. Shearing ·noun ·same·as Shearling.

IV. Shearing · & ·vb.n. of Shear.

V. Shearing ·noun The process of making a vertical side cutting in working into a face of coal.

VI. Shearing ·noun The act or operation of dividing with shears; as, the shearing of metal plates.

VII. Shearing ·noun The act or operation of clipping with shears or a shearing machine, as the wool from sheep, or the nap from cloth.

VIII. Shearing ·noun The product of the act or operation of clipping with shears or a shearing machine; as, the whole shearing of a flock; the shearings from cloth.