
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·- ·p.p. of Shove.

II. Shove ·noun The act of shoving; a forcible push.

III. Shove ·vi To push or drive forward; to move onward by pushing or jostling.

IV. Shove ·vt To push along, aside, or away, in a careless or rude manner; to Jostle.

V. Shove ·vi To move off or along by an act pushing, as with an oar a pole used by one in a boat; sometimes with off.

VI. Shove ·vt To drive along by the direct and continuous application of strength; to Push; especially, to push (a body) so as to make it move along the surface of another body; as, to shove a boat on the water; to shove a table across the floor.