
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vt To draw back; to Withdraw.

II. Shrink ·noun The act shrinking; shrinkage; contraction; also, recoil; withdrawal.

III. Shrink ·vt To cause to contract or shrink; as, to shrink finnel by imersing it in boiling water.

IV. Shrink ·vi To withdraw or retire, as from danger; to decline action from fear; to recoil, as in fear, horror, or distress.

V. Shrink ·vi To express fear, horror, or pain by contracting the body, or part of it; to Shudder; to Quake.

VI. Shrink ·vi To wrinkle, bend, or curl; to Shrivel; hence, to contract into a less extent or compass; to gather together; to become compacted.