
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vt To throw heedlessly.

II. Slight ·vt To make even or level.

III. Slight ·noun Sleight.

IV. Slight ·superl Not stout or heavy; slender.

V. Slight ·adv Slightly.

VI. Slight ·superl Foolish; silly; weak in intellect.

VII. Slight ·vt To Overthrow; to Demolish.

VIII. Slight ·vt To disregard, as of little value and unworthy of notice; to make light of; as, to slight the divine commands.

IX. Slight ·noun The act of slighting; the manifestation of a moderate degree of contempt, as by neglect or oversight; neglect; indignity.

X. Slight ·superl Not decidedly marked; not forcible; inconsiderable; unimportant; insignificant; not severe; weak; gentle;

— applied in a great variety of circumstances; as, a slight (·i.e., feeble) effort; a slight (·i.e., perishable) structure; a slight (·i.e., not deep) impression; a slight (·i.e., not convincing) argument; a slight (·i.e., not thorough) examination; slight (·i.e., not severe) pain, and the like.