
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vi A loud kiss; a buss.

II. Smack ·vi A small quantity; a taste.

III. Smack ·adv As if with a smack or slap.

IV. Smack ·vi A quick, smart blow; a slap.

V. Smack ·noun To have a smack; to be tinctured with any particular taste.

VI. Smack ·vt To kiss with a sharp noise; to Buss.

VII. Smack ·noun To make a noise by the separation of the lips after tasting anything.

VIII. Smack ·noun To have or exhibit indications of the presence of any character or quality.

IX. Smack ·vi A quick, sharp noise, as of the lips when suddenly separated, or of a whip.

X. Smack ·vt To make a sharp noise by striking; to Crack; as, to smack a whip.

XI. Smack ·noun A small sailing vessel, commonly rigged as a sloop, used chiefly in the coasting and fishing trade.

XII. Smack ·vi Taste or flavor, ·esp. a slight taste or flavor; savor; tincture; as, a smack of bitter in the medicine. Also used figuratively.

XIII. Smack ·noun To kiss with a close compression of the lips, so as to make a sound when they separate; to kiss with a sharp noise; to Buss.

XIV. Smack ·vt To open, as the lips, with an inarticulate sound made by a quick compression and separation of the parts of the mouth; to make a noise with, as the lips, by separating them in the act of kissing or after tasting.