
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·noun The act of smiting; a blow.

II. Smite ·vt To put to rout in battle; to overthrow by war.

III. Smite ·vt To strike or affect with passion, as love or fear.

IV. Smite ·vt To cause to strike; to use as an instrument in striking or hurling.

V. Smite ·vi To Strike; to Collide; to Beat.

VI. Smite ·vt To Afflict; to Chasten; to Punish.

VII. Smite ·vt To Blast; to destroy the life or vigor of, as by a stroke or by some visitation.

VIII. Smite ·vt To destroy the life of by beating, or by weapons of any kind; to slay by a blow; to Kill; as, to smite one with the sword, or with an arrow or other instrument.

IX. Smite ·vt To Strike; to inflict a blow upon with the hand, or with any instrument held in the hand, or with a missile thrown by the hand; as, to smite with the fist, with a rod, sword, spear, or stone.