
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·- imp. & ·p.p. of Spin.

II. Span ·vi To be matched, as horses.

III. Span ·Impf of Spin.

IV. Span ·vt Hence, a small space or a brief portion of time.

V. Span ·vt To fetter, as a horse; to Hobble.

VI. Span ·vt To reach from one side of to the order; to stretch over as an Arch.

VII. Span ·vt The space from the thumb to the end of the little finger when extended; nine inches; eighth of a fathom.

VIII. Span ·vt A pair of horses or other animals driven together; usually, such a pair of horses when similar in color, form, and action.

IX. Span ·vt The spread or extent of an arch between its abutments, or of a beam, girder, truss, roof, bridge, or the like, between its supports.

X. Span ·vt A rope having its ends made fast so that a purchase can be hooked to the bight; also, a rope made fast in the center so that both ends can be used.

XI. Span ·vt To measure by the span of the hand with the fingers extended, or with the fingers encompassing the object; as, to span a space or distance; to span a cylinder.